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Yoga Poses That Work Wonders For Diabetes

Yoga instructor doing yoga asana for diabetes

Yoga Poses That Aid In Curing Diabetes

To begin with, yoga helps improve your flexibility. It also builds endurance and strength without the risk of injury associated with many other forms of exercise. 

Some poses in yoga also help lower blood pressure and increase the levels of good cholesterol in the blood, thereby helping to protect you against cardiovascular diseases. 

Yoga can have a beneficial impact on your mental health as well. For instance, it has been found that practising some simple yogic techniques helps improve sleep-related problems among diabetic patients. 

Here are some of the  best yoga asanas for diabetes.

  • Hanumanasana
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Padmasana

Apart from these specific yoga poses, merely practising various breathing techniques is also very helpful for people with diabetes. If you’re looking for a good place to start learning about yoga, then check out the best yoga classes online where you can learn everything you need to know and where you can save your travelling time!

Different Yoga Poses That Can Help Reduce Diabetes

Yoga is a great way to reduce diabetes and blood sugar issues. It’s been known for some time now, but more research on how effective yoga is. 

In the meantime, here are 5 simple yoga poses to cure diabetes that you can start today to help bring your blood glucose levels down.

Pigeon Pose Variation #1:

Elevating The Front Leg

  • This pose is great because it helps to reduce the symptoms of sciatica. It stimulates the liver and kidneys, helping them remove excess glucose. 
  • You can skip this one if your hips are too tight for you to sit up straight.

Pigeon Pose Variation #2:

Lengthening The Back

  • This pose is great because it helps to reduce blood sugar levels. It also stimulates the pancreas and spleen, helping them remove excess glucose.
  •  You can skip this one if your hips are too tight for you to sit up straight.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Variation #1:

Extended Baby Cobra Pose 

  • This yoga exercise for diabetes is great because it relaxes the mind and increases energy levels. 
  • It also helps remove excess glucose from the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver. You can skip this one if your lower back or neck is too tight for you to lay flat on your stomach.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Variation #2:

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) With Hands Clasped Behind Back 

  • This pose is great because it helps to remove excess glucose from the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver. It also stimulates the thyroid gland and improves digestion.
  •  You can skip this one if your lower back or neck is too tight for you to lay flat on your stomach.

Halasana (Plough Pose) Variation #1:

Knees To Chest In Plough Pose 

  • This pose is great because it helps reduce blood sugar levels and lower back pain. It also can help improve kidney function and stimulate the thyroid gland. 
  • You can skip this one if your neck or shoulders are too tight for you to lift your legs.

Halasana (Plough Pose) Variation #2:

Extended Plough Pose 

  • This pose is great because it releases tension in the hips, spine and neck. It can also help improve heart function and reduce high cholesterol level.
  • You can skip this one if your neck or shoulders are too tight for you to lift your legs.

There are some of the best yoga poses to cure diabetes. It’s been known for some time now, but more research on how effective yoga is. 

In the meantime, here are 5 simple poses that you can start today to help bring your blood glucose levels down.

The Top Benefits of Yoga For Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition in which the body doesn’t react appropriately to insulin or produce enough of it, affects an estimated 18 million people in the United States alone. 

Conventional medicine for type 2 diabetics is focused primarily on regulating blood glucose levels through medication and insulin injections. 

However, numerous studies show yoga as an effective complementary treatment for diabetes management.

Improved Blood Sugar Control

  • A 2007 study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that Iyengar yoga poses to cure diabetes were superior to conventional exercise in reducing blood glucose levels over 3 months. 
  • The study also showed that the decrease in HbA1c (a blood test that measures average glucose levels over time—the higher the percentage, the poorer the person’s control of their diabetes) was more significant for Iyengar Yoga than conventional exercise (a decrease of 1.4% vs. 0.7%).

 Lower Risk of Complications

  • The American Diabetes Association states that there is strong evidence linking physical activity to a reduced risk of complications. 
  • Yoga has been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure, waist circumference, triglycerides, fasting glucose levels and HbA1c—all factors that contribute to diabetes complications.

Improved Quality of Life

  • Many people with type 2 diabetes struggle with depression due to the lifestyle restrictions that come with the condition, including dietary limitations and reduced exercise.
  •  Yoga has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression and fatigue in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Easier Sticking with Healthy Dietary Changes

  • Many people find sticking to a diet difficult because of taste preferences and the social pressures that encourage unhealthy eating (such as office birthday cake celebrations). 
  • Yoga teaches mindful eating, which encourages people to eat compassionately toward the body, reduces cravings for junk food and increases self-awareness when it comes to when they are hungry or when emotions are driving them to eat.

Improved Flexibility

  • A 2012 study looked at how stretching affects glucose levels. The study discovered that the decrease in blood glucose was consistent regardless of whether subjects stretched immediately, 30 minutes after or 3 hours after eating a high glycemic index meal (a total carbohydrate load of 75 g). 
  • This suggests that flexibility exercises can improve glucose levels regardless of when they are performed—making it easy for people with diabetes to fit them into their daily schedules.

Better Sleep

  • Poor sleep is linked to higher stress levels, but more recently, it has been associated with type 2 diabetes as well. 
  • A meta-analysis published in Diabetes Care looked at 8 studies that investigated the effect of yoga on sleep quality and found that subjects who did yoga had a more significant improvement in sleep quality than those who did not.


Because of the inflammation reduction, muscle strengthening and balancing of the hormone insulin, yoga exercises for diabetes are beneficial to people suffering from this chronic disease called diabetes. It is not only about yoga poses, but the whole set of yogic principles like deep breathing, meditation, nourishing healthy diets etc., all together work miraculously for diabetes patients