Online Yoga Classes

The ladder to peace

Yoga classes online: The Ultimate Guide Of Yoga For Weight Loss

Women Is Doing Yoga For Weight Loss

Being overweight is not a ‘good health’ sign. Staying healthy and fit is a routine that makes you feel positive, enhances your productivity, and creates a glowing aura. But losing weight is not just a day thing. It needs time, dedication, commitment, and loyalty.   

Weight loss is a process that is gradual no matter what you choose as your workout alternative. So, choose it wisely according to your preferences. You need to be focused on what you are looking for if it is all about outer appearances or complete holistic healing.   

If you choose either one, there is no alternative better than Yoga. It has been an Indian heritage from the time of Vedas and Puranas. It has been helping warriors, yogis, and rulers not to lose control. Yoga isn’t limited to training centres; it has been proved during the lockdown pandemic. Unlike heavy workouts progressed by heavy equipment, Yoga needs a mat, little concentration, and calm music, and you can start your training.   

With the help of yoga classes online, the workout has proved its worth. Several people switched their mode of workout and joined Yoga and Pranayama. Here in this write-up, you will get to know some yoga asana and their benefits that will help you to shed some weight.  

Yoga Asana is ideal for Weight loss:  

Chaturanga Dandasana

It is a fundamental plank pose, and the holding time matters. Here are the benefits of practising chaturanga dhandasana:  

  • It helps in strengthening your arms, wrists, and abdomen  
  • It helps in relieving back pain  
  • It helps in improving your flexibility, balance, and stability  
  • It strengthens your triceps and biceps  
  • It makes your abdomen muscle   

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

It is also known as the upward-facing dog twist. Here are some of the benefits:  

  • Helps in posture correcting  
  • It makes your spine. Arms and wrists strong  
  • It makes your chest muscles, lungs, as well as shoulders, and abdominal muscles flexible  


  • The famous warrior goddess or crow pose. Here are the benefits;  
  • Helps in opening your hips, legs, and chest  
  • You get strong leg, calves, abs, and knees  
  • Stimulates the urogenital system and the pelvic floor  
  • Helps to open the groin muscles  
  • Enhances the flexibility of the shoulder and strengthens it.   


Commonly known as chair pose. Here are some of the benefits:  

  • It helps in improving the capacity of the lungs and enhances the stamina  
  • It makes your arms, shoulders, legs, and ankles  
  • It tones your body, muscles, chest, and back  
  • It helps improve body balance  


The bow pose is essential for weight loss. It might seem difficult at first. Hence it is suggested that it is better to practice with yoga classes online. Here are some benefits of this asana are:  

  • Abdominal organs and muscles are stretched, activating the reproductive system.  
  • Helps make the stomach, chest, shoulders, neck, back, and thigh muscles more robust and flexible.  
  • aids in calorie loss and fat burning, especially around the belly  
  • Helps to tone the muscles in the arms and legs.  
  • Helps to activate the nerves around the navel, which improves efficiency and the functioning of the kidneys, liver, digestive system, and reproductive system.   
  • Promotes improved blood flow  
  • Helps with rheumatism, gastrointestinal issues, and obesity-related dyspepsia  


Revolved triangle poses are a significant pose in weight loss. Here are some of the benefits:  

  • Helps build muscle in the lower body, especially the thighs, calves, and buttocks.  
  • Helps to stimulate our nervous system and helps to relieve indigestion, gastritis, and acidity.  
  • Aids in keeping the spine and shoulders in proper alignment.  
  • Trikonasana, or the triangle pose, engages the abdominal muscles while easing lower back strain.  
  • It imparts a sense of stability and equilibrium to our bodies.  


The extended side angle pose is one of the most effective asanas that helps reduce weight. Here are some of the benefits:  

  • It helps stretch your hamstrings, adductors, and lats (the back muscles that support your spine or latissimus dorsi).  
  • Your ankles, knees, and legs are strengthened.  
  • Helps to strengthen your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles  

These are some of the yoga asanas that help you to shred the fat and make your body toned.   

You have an online community of healing and yoga for motivation. With the help of online classes, you can practice yoga for weight loss and flat tummy. These online classes will help you to grow and cut all the excuses. You can choose your time preferences. You can play and pause the recorded class whenever you want.   

Yoga is a treatment for all your mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The meddling of pranayama and Yoga always is a road map to meet divinity. Yoga is not limited to being a workout alternative, but this helps you to regain yourself. It helps you to find your identity and confidence.   

How to steal time for Yoga?  

When it’s online, it’s available every time. You just have to be more vigilant. Now you can practice yoga classes online when you feel no one will disturb you for an hour or a half. You have to keep focus because when you are practising asana, you have to have an empty gut.   

In a nutshell, there are several workout platforms that you can choose for your weight loss journey. But a workout that will help you re-discover yourself is Yoga. Over the past series of decades, it has been able to mark its presence with the same affirmative aura and strength. It has had to manage to scribble its name in gold internationally.